Sub Application_OnStart

'==Visual InterDev Generated - startspan==

'--Project Data Connection

Application("dbWheelerMallSQL2_ConnectionString") = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=sql2;UID=sa;WSID=MARK;DATABASE=WheelerMall;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=sql2,1433;User Id=sa;PASSWORD=;"

Application("dbWheelerMallSQL2_ConnectionTimeout") = 15

Application("dbWheelerMallSQL2_CommandTimeout") = 30

Application("dbWheelerMallSQL2_CursorLocation") = 3

Application("dbWheelerMallSQL2_RuntimeUserName") = "sa"

Application("dbWheelerMallSQL2_RuntimePassword") = ""

'-- Project Data Environment

'Set DE = Server.CreateObject("DERuntime.DERuntime")

'Application("DE") = DE.Load(Server.MapPath("Global.ASA"), "_private/DataEnvironment/DataEnvironment.asa")

'==Visual InterDev Generated - endspan==

'==FrontPage Generated - startspan==

Dim FrontPage_UrlVars(2)

'--Project Data Connection

Application("dbHoopsZone_ConnectionString") = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=fpdb/dbHoopsZone.mdb"

FrontPage_UrlVars(1) = "dbHoopsZone_ConnectionString"

Application("dbHoopsZone_ConnectionTimeout") = 15

Application("dbHoopsZone_CommandTimeout") = 30

Application("dbHoopsZone_CursorLocation") = 3

Application("dbHoopsZone_RuntimeUserName") = ""

Application("dbHoopsZone_RuntimePassword") = ""


Application("FrontPage_UrlVars") = FrontPage_UrlVars

'==FrontPage Generated - endspan==

End Sub

Sub Session_OnStart

FrontPage_StartSession '==FrontPage Generated==

End Sub

Sub FrontPage_StartSession

On Error Resume Next

if Len(Application("FrontPage_VRoot")) > 0 then Exit Sub

' discover the VRoot for the current page;

' walk back up VPath until we find global.asa

Vroot = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")

strG1 = "global.asa"

strG2 = "Global.asa"

iCount = 0

do while Len(Vroot) > 1

idx = InStrRev(Vroot, "/")

if idx > 0 then

Vroot = Left(Vroot,idx)


' error; assume root web

Vroot = "/"

end if

if FrontPage_FileExists(Server.MapPath(Vroot & strG1)) then exit do

if FrontPage_FileExists(Server.MapPath(Vroot & strG2)) then exit do

if Right(Vroot,1) = "/" then Vroot = Left(Vroot,Len(Vroot)-1)

iCount = iCount + 1

if iCount > 100 then

' error; assume root web

Vroot = "/"

exit do

end if


' map all URL= attributes in _ConnectionString variables


if Len(Application("FrontPage_VRoot")) = 0 then

Application("FrontPage_VRoot") = Vroot

UrlVarArray = Application("FrontPage_UrlVars")

for i = 0 to UBound(UrlVarArray)

if Len(UrlVarArray(i)) > 0 then FrontPage_MapUrl(UrlVarArray(i))


end if


End Sub

Sub FrontPage_MapUrl(AppVarName)

' convert URL attribute in conn string to absolute file location

strVal = Application(AppVarName)

strKey = "URL="

idxStart = InStr(strVal, strKey)

If idxStart = 0 Then Exit Sub

strBefore = Left(strVal, idxStart - 1)

idxStart = idxStart + Len(strKey)

idxEnd = InStr(idxStart, strVal, ";")

If idxEnd = 0 Then

strAfter = ""

strURL = Mid(strVal, idxStart)


strAfter = ";" & Mid(strVal, idxEnd + 1)

strURL = Mid(strVal, idxStart, idxEnd - idxStart)

End If

strOut = strBefore & Server.MapPath(Application("FrontPage_VRoot") & strURL) & strAfter

Application(AppVarName) = strOut

End Sub

Function FrontPage_FileExists(fspath)

On Error Resume Next

FrontPage_FileExists = False

set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


set istream = fs.OpenTextFile(fspath)

if Err.Number = 0 then

FrontPage_FileExists = True


end if

set istream = Nothing

set fs = Nothing

End Function